Lamb Cutlets with vegetable purees

Fried lamb cutlets, nice and crusty on the outside, pink on the inside sprinkled with coarse smoked salt. Served with three different vegetable purees – broccoli, carrots, and parsnips.


Ingredients | Serves 4
12 Lamb cutlets
4 Medium-size carrots
4 Medium-size parsnips
1 Large broccoli
1 Onion
1 Clove of garlic
½ Juice of a lemon
200 ml Red wine
  Plain butter
1 bunch Thyme
4 Tbsp Spicey meat rub
½ tsp Cumin powder
  Coarse smoked salt flakes

Salt and ground pepper


  1. Rub the lamb cutlets generously with the spicey meat rub and set aside.

  2. Wash and peel the carrots and parsnips and cut them into smaller pieces. Cut the broccoli down to smaller pieces too.  

  3. Preheat the oven to 80° C.

  4. Cook the parsnips, the carrots and the broccoli individually in some salted water. Then puree each of the vegetables with a blender.
    Season the parsnip puree with nutmeg and a nob of butter and salt—the carrot puree with cumin and salt and finally the broccoli with salt and a squeeze of lemon.

  5. Put each puree in separate bowls cover with tinfoil and keep them warm in the oven.

  6. Heat a skillet and fry the lamb cutlets on both sides on high heat until they are nicely browned. Don't cook them too long; otherwise, they will be no pink inside. Wrap them in tinfoil and keep them warm in the oven.

  7. Fry the chopped onion and garlic with a sprig of thyme over medium heat until they are softened in the skillet with the fat left from the lamb cutlets. Deglaze with the wine and cook until the sauce is reduced. Pour the reduction in a blender and emulsify.

    Serve | Using serving rings of different sizes spoon the puree onto preheated plates; parsnips and carrot in layers in the larger ring, the broccoli in the smaller. Arrange three cutlets and drizzle the sauce over them. Decorate with a sprig of thyme and finally, sprinkle the meat with some coarse smoked salt flakes.