BBQ Sauce with Grillsmoke

If you like the distinct smokey flavour, your meat and vegetables get from a barbecue grill or smoker, but none is available? Then I have a tasty alternative for you. Using Grillsmoke, I made a barbecue sauce and refined it with liquid smoke to achieve that desired smokey flavour. The unique taste from hickory wood smoke gives the sauce that specific something. Grillsmoke is distilled hickory smoke, made without any additives and is vegan.

I served the sauce with lamb cuttles. I quickly seared in a skillet and then wrapped in aluminium foil and put in the oven for 15 minutes with the roasting tomatoes.

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2 cloves
Red chilli
200 ml
Red wine
1 tsp
Tomato puree
1 Tbsp Honey
2 Tbsp Lemon juice
1 tsp Mustard
2-3 sprigs Fresh thyme
100 ml Water
10 drops Grillsmoke – liquid smoke
  Salt and pepper for seasoning


  1. Dice the onion and chop the garlic and red chilli.

  2. In a small saucepan heat a little oil and fry the onions until they start to soften, then add the garlic and the chilli – and reduce the heat.

  3. Add the tomato puree and stir it into the onion and garlic.

  4. Pour in the red wine, the honey, lemon juice. Add the mustard, the sprigs of thyme and the water. Stir well together and let the sauce simmer until reduced to half.

  5. Taste the sauce and adjust flavour with salt and pepper to taste.

  6. Remove the thyme twigs and blend the sauce with an handheld blender to smoothen.
    Add the dissolved cornstarch to thicken the sauce.

  7. Finally, add the drops of Grillsmoke and taste again – you will have a well balanced sweet tangy sauce with a smokey flavour.  

    Serve | The sauce is ideal with meat and vegetables.