Lazaros Kapageoroglou
Friend, Private Chef, and Inspirator
Cooking courses with Lazaros are fun, inspirational, and I learned some ticks form the professional chef.
I met Lazaros the first time at his first dinner event. His charming and warm welcome is genuine, and although I went there on my own, I had a splendid evening with delicious food and good company. The second event I attended was a cooking course on modern Greek cuisine, and again it was Lazaro's first cooking class he gave. The cooking in the group was great, and apart from learning how to prepare Greek dishes, we had a lot of laughs and some glasses of Greek wine.
I had some more classes with Lazaros, and I admire his energy, easiness, and uncomplicated way of going about cooking. He inspires me with his social media talents as well – I am always curious to see what he is posting next.
By the way, did I mention he is also a Private Chef? Discover his many delicious recipe videos and other talents on his website
And if you live around Zurich, why not visit one of his cooking courses or book him as a Private Chef for a dinner or event.
Impressions from cooking courses and the food we learned to prepare.